Two bills are having hearings at the Statehouse in Concord on Wednesday, January 10, 2018.
HB 1542 – Campus Carry which would remove the authority of any state college or university system to regulate the carrying of weapons on their premises. See bill’s text at:
HB 1749 – Town Regulation of Firearms which would prohibit towns from regulating where guns can safely be used and carried. Towns attempting to regulate safe use of firearms could be fined. This bill would prevent towns and school boards from prohibiting GUNS IN SCHOOLS. See bill’s text at:
What ACTION can you take?
- Show up to the hearings, testify, and/or leave written testimony.
–HB 1542 Campus Carry, Wednesday the 10th at 10:40am, in room 204 of the Legislative Office Building, 33 North State Street, Concord, NH
–HB 1749 Town Regulation of Firearms, Wednesday, at 10:00am, State House Reps Hall, Concord, NH
- Email the committees
-HB 1542 Campus Carry
-HB 1749 Town Regulation In the email include the bill number, your town, and that you oppose the bill, with any explanation you want to include. Emailing the committees is important to counter the emails of support received.
- Contact your town officials to inform them about HB 1749